Permaculture is a design philosophy that allows you to design a sustainable life, or even beyond sustainable. It is also described as: “Permaculture is a dance with nature – in which nature leads.”. During this course you will get acquainted with permaculture. It is a broad introduction, but also practically applicable. You will develop basic knowledge and ecological insight with which you can apply permaculture in your own garden and your own life. And you’ll learn how to cooperate with nature instead of working against it.
The course consists of four days and every day we delve into two themes.
Themes we cover:
• Permaculture introduction
• The wonderful world of plants
• Observation and analysis
• Designing
• Soil
• Climate and micro-climate
• Patterns in nature
• Social permaculture
There is a great diversity of teaching methods in the course, a mix of theory, practical assignments and interaction, and there is also a lot of room for questions.

About Rutger Spoelstra
I am an architect, permaculture designer and educator. I design permaculture gardens, nature playgrounds, food forest and much more. I like to cooperate with nature and – when possible – together with the users of the project. Furthermore I like to play a part in the realization of the project. Besides designing I give lectures, workshops and courses in Dutch and English. And I write for the (Belgian-Dutch) Permacultuur Magazine.
Dates: Saturday May 6, May 20, June 10 and June 17 2023
Time: 10:00h till 17:00h.
Price: € 295,- or € 235,- for low-income
coffee, tea and soup included
Eetbaar Park (Zuiderpark) / Edible Park
entrance behind Esso petrol station Vreeswijkstraat 60.
when the gate is locked please call 06-26130464.
click for Route Zuiderpark
Permacultuurcentrum Den Haag